Thursday, November 28, 2013

Essay: A Prize Distribution Function at Our College

Sports and functions have their own importance in the life of educational institutes.The
Annual Sports of our college has always been a colourful function.This time it was held on
the 20th of March.invitation cards had been insued to a large number of dignitaries of
the city.The Director of Education had agreed to preside over the concluding session to the j
function and to distribute the prizes.A beautiful "shamiana" was pitched on one side of the
college sports track.Good seating arrangement was made for the honourable guests and the
members of the teaching stall.The track was lined with white lime,while little flags of
various colours were fixed all around it .The dais was covered with a beautiful rug.An
unusually large number of students had turned up and were crowding round the track to
buck up the competitors.It was a pleasant evening as a cool and refreshing breez was
blowing.The sportsmen were busy in warming themselves up.There were a few minutes for
the chief guest to arrive .The spectators were being entertained with sweet film songs.

One of the professors was sitting at the mike ,who interrupted the music off and on to
announce the arrival of some noteworthy guest.At last the arrival of the chief guest was
announced ;He was received at the gate by the Principal of the college and some members of
the teaching staff.

He walked to his seat on the dais,with a garland round his neck and loud clapping all
round.The proceedings of the function started with a recitation from the Holy Quran.First of
all there was hte hundred yards race .The competitors were asked to reach the starting line,
while the time keepers and judges stood at the finishing line.Then followed the great
three-mile race.The most amusing of these was the three legged race and the sack race which
made people laugh loudly.Then came the turn of the tug of war between the Professors of
Arts and Science subjects.It kept the spectators spell-bound for half an hour.The last but the
most amusing item was the musical chairs race among the members of the teaching staff.

Finally,the Principal read out the annual report of the college,pointing out the
remarkable achievements of students in the academic as well as extra-curricular fields .The
listeners clapped their hands to learn about the making of new records in sports or the
breaking of old ones.The Chief guest was thanked for gracing the function with his presence,
and was requested to distribute prizes among the winning athletes.Mr.Irfan Aslam of the
fourth year class was declared the best college athlete for the year.In the
end,the Director of Education made a short but impressive speech.He congratulated the
winners and tried to encourage those who competed bravely but lost.He also highlighted the
importance of gamed and sports in the building of the character of the young generation.The
Principal announced that the college would remain closed the next day as a mark of honour to
the chief guest.

Before dispersing the National Anthem was sung.The students went home,while the
athletes and guests were led to the college hall for tea.  

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