Saturday, November 30, 2013

Essay: My Favourite Teacher

I am a college student ,and I have been receiving education from a number of teachers at
school as well as college: I have great respect for all of them and feel highly obliged to them
equally.All of them have contributed in their own way to my mental and moral development.
But the college teacher who has impressed me most of all is our English teacher.He is in fact
an ideal teacher and commands the admiration of almost all the students of all the classes
allotted to him.He is popular in the whole college and the students feel eager of getting his
section.I and many other students make it a point not to miss his lecture in any case.He
seems to be a born teacher who derives pleasure in teaching, and makes his lectures
pleasurable and inspiring for the students.The name of my favourite teacher is Mr.Shaukat Ali
and he is a senior member of English department.He is a smart-looking,well dressed gentleman
of more than forty years in age, with a sweet and impressive personality.
My Favourite Teacher
My Favourite Teacher
The most remarkable quality of my favourite teacher is the great command that he has
over his subject.English is considered a difficult subject by a majority of students .Most of
them fail in English because they cannot properly follow the lecture of their teacher .It goes to
the credit of Mr.Shaukat that he speaks in easily understandable English and makes
everything perfectly clear.He always starts a new lesson with brief introduction which
makes it easy to ,understand the reading of text.During the lecture whenever be feels that the
students have failed to understand his point, be explains it in Urdu.At the end of the
discussion ,he tells his students what kind of questions can be set in the examination on that
lesson.During the discussion of text,he asks questions from the students and invites their
opinion.This keeps them attentive and interested throughout,That is why the examination
results of his classes have always been exemplary.

Mr.Shaukat is liked by me and many other students for his moralizing attitude in the
class.He never misses a chance of tendering a valuable piece of advice to his students about
their duties as good citizens and true Muslims.He is am man of literary taste ,religious outlook
of life and a good awareness of current affairs .He often refers to the Holy Quran,the Hadith
and the poetry of Dr.Iqbal to illustrate his point of view.This makes his lectures very
enjoyable .He believes that teaching of his character and the widening of his mental horizon.His
lecture open new window in the minds of students and make them better aware of social
problems ,and moral values.
My Favourite Teacher
My Favourite Teacher
fAnother cause of my favourite teacher's popularity is that be is a man of enviable
disposition and good character.He always enters the class with cheerful ,smiling face .He tries
to be friendly and frank with his students and tries to inspire in them a new confidence and a
heal their outlook of life.Many of them go to him to discuss their private problems and
difficulties.He is a witty person who entertains his students with good
humorous remarks.We have never found him rebuking or
discouraging weak students or injuring their feelings of self-respect.He wins the hearts of
students by his accommodative and patronizing attitude.His students not only respect him but
also love him from the core of their hearts.Mr. Shaukat ,is fact an ideal teacher and a truly
respectable person for his students.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Essay: The Pleasure of College Life

College life is, no doubt, the golden period of a student's life .The knowledge gained, the
opportunities availed and the friendship made during the stay at college go a long, way in
determining the future life and career of a young man.You will often find grown-up people
mentioning the memories of their college days with great pleasure ,pride or regret .College life
ushers in a completely new stage in the educational career of a young student.As compared
with school life,it is a life of liberty,self-respect and confidence .The college students gets
freedom from the rod of the school teacher and his authoritative attitude.He feels happy to
find his college teachers quite friendly and persuasive.His feelings of self-respect ate properly
recognized and he is encouraged to depend upon himself.For the first time in his life,he feels
his own importance at home as well as at college ,and his opinions and decisions are given
due weight.He is no longer regarded a child who must be forced to do certain things
considered useful for him.He may attend the class or stay away for a day,there is no fear of
physical punishment of degrading treatment at the bands of his teacher.

College life is also pleasurable for providing a large company of like minded young men
of the same age and of similar interests.You can have the acquaintance of a large number of
college fellows,belonging to different families,having different temperaments,qualities,
habits,manners,etc.You are free to make new friends, and to learn and adopt what is
good in others.

That is why a student becomes more polished after entering the college so that his dress
and manners improve remarkable.His timidity shyness disappear,and he starts asserting
himself.Such healthy influences on the mind of a young man prove decisive in
moulding his future career and outlook of life.

He is learning all the time ,not only from books but also from his teachers and
fellow -students .If he happens to stay-at college hostel,then this process of self education
becomes more wide and deep.

College life has innumerable pleasures and facilities in the form of games,sports and
many other extra-curricular activities.These things have great value in the training of a
student's character and the development of his natural qualities of head and heart.There is a
big library having a large variety of books on different fields of knowledge.The student can
enrich his mind by borrowing books of his taste from the college library.Then there are af
number of societies of various subjects,which arrange regular meeting ,functions and
educational trips to promote the knowledge of students and to create new areas of awareness
in them.He is free to take part in any indoor or outdoor game if he has time to play in the
evening.The college has a dramatic club,a debating society,a photographic society,etc .To
promote his different inborn talents.He can become the Editor of college Magazine and
can contribute various kinds of articles,poems ,humorous essays short stories,etc.

Every college has a students union which holds election to its various offices every year.
It serves as a platform for the political training of the students,and to produce in them the
qualities of leadership.

In short,college life is full of pleasures,facilities ,possibilities and opportunities of
progress which cannot be available to a young man in his life when he enters practical
life.But all these things are of value to those who are willing to participate and benefit instead
of hesitating and staying away and aloof.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Essay: A Prize Distribution Function at Our College

Sports and functions have their own importance in the life of educational institutes.The
Annual Sports of our college has always been a colourful function.This time it was held on
the 20th of March.invitation cards had been insued to a large number of dignitaries of
the city.The Director of Education had agreed to preside over the concluding session to the j
function and to distribute the prizes.A beautiful "shamiana" was pitched on one side of the
college sports track.Good seating arrangement was made for the honourable guests and the
members of the teaching stall.The track was lined with white lime,while little flags of
various colours were fixed all around it .The dais was covered with a beautiful rug.An
unusually large number of students had turned up and were crowding round the track to
buck up the competitors.It was a pleasant evening as a cool and refreshing breez was
blowing.The sportsmen were busy in warming themselves up.There were a few minutes for
the chief guest to arrive .The spectators were being entertained with sweet film songs.

One of the professors was sitting at the mike ,who interrupted the music off and on to
announce the arrival of some noteworthy guest.At last the arrival of the chief guest was
announced ;He was received at the gate by the Principal of the college and some members of
the teaching staff.

He walked to his seat on the dais,with a garland round his neck and loud clapping all
round.The proceedings of the function started with a recitation from the Holy Quran.First of
all there was hte hundred yards race .The competitors were asked to reach the starting line,
while the time keepers and judges stood at the finishing line.Then followed the great
three-mile race.The most amusing of these was the three legged race and the sack race which
made people laugh loudly.Then came the turn of the tug of war between the Professors of
Arts and Science subjects.It kept the spectators spell-bound for half an hour.The last but the
most amusing item was the musical chairs race among the members of the teaching staff.

Finally,the Principal read out the annual report of the college,pointing out the
remarkable achievements of students in the academic as well as extra-curricular fields .The
listeners clapped their hands to learn about the making of new records in sports or the
breaking of old ones.The Chief guest was thanked for gracing the function with his presence,
and was requested to distribute prizes among the winning athletes.Mr.Irfan Aslam of the
fourth year class was declared the best college athlete for the year.In the
end,the Director of Education made a short but impressive speech.He congratulated the
winners and tried to encourage those who competed bravely but lost.He also highlighted the
importance of gamed and sports in the building of the character of the young generation.The
Principal announced that the college would remain closed the next day as a mark of honour to
the chief guest.

Before dispersing the National Anthem was sung.The students went home,while the
athletes and guests were led to the college hall for tea.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Essay:Our National Hero or My Favourite Leader

Every nation has got its own heroes .They are men of exceptional qualities sand strength
of character.They perform wonderful achievements which benefit the whole nation and the
whole mankind.A National hero may be a brave soldier, a great poet, a scientist of a

Our most important national hero is the Quaid-i- Azam.I like him very much ,because he
has greatly impressed me by his honesty ,intelligence and hark struggle.He is the great man
who won Pakistan for us and is called its founder .We are highly obliged to him because he
saved us from the slavery of the Hindus.His real mane was Muhammad Ali Jinnah.He was
born to a business man of Karachi.He was very intelligent, serious, and responsible person
from the very beginning of his life .After completing his education in the country,he
proceeded to England for higher education in Law.After returning home ,he
started his practice as a lawyer at Bombay .At the same time he began to take interest in the political
affairs.It was the time of Freedom Movement against the British Rule over India .In the
beginning,Quaid-i-Azam joinde the Indian National Congress and worked for Hindu Muslims
Unity.But soon he realized that the Hindus were prejudiced against the Muslims and
were not prepared to give them their basic rights.He felt that the Hindus and Muslims could
never live together peacefully in the same country .He was so wise politically that
he believed that freedom of India would be meaning less for the Muslims because they
would get Hindu rulers in place of the English rulers.

Therefore Quaid-i-Azam left Indian Congress and joined Indian Muslim League.All
the Muslims leaders like Dr.Iqbat ,Liaqat Ali ,Maulana Shaukat Ali and others supported him
and made him their leader.He was superior to all of them in political sagacity and strength of
character.He struggled hard and worked day and night to get a separate country for the Indian
Muslims.He had to face the united opposition of the Hindus,the British leaders and some of j
the Muslim scholars.His enemies tried their best to purchase him and to put him to death ,but
they could mot succeed .He was an old man suffering from a dangerous disease which was
making him weak day by day .The doctors advised him again and again to take complete res,
but he did not care for his own life for the sake of the fulfillment of his mission of life.

At last he succeeded in achieving Pakistan on fourteenth August, 1947.It was no less
than a miracle to get such a biggest Islamic country of the world without fighting any
battle and without having any army.Unfortunately Quaid-i-Azam could not live longer to
guide his nation and to strengthen his new found state.After one year of independence ,he
died on 11th of September 1948.He was buried in Karachi.But in reality,he lives in the
hearts of all the Pakistanis.So long as this country exists on the map of the world ,the
generation of Muslims will to on paying homage to this great man .Actually ,he was a
martyr who sacrificed his own life to give political independence to the Muslims of
India and their children.Great men like him are rarely born in history.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Essay: My Favourite Poet or Allama Muhammad Iqbal

poetry is the art of expressing one's feelings and ideas in an impressive manner.It
provides us pleasures besides improving our awareness of life.The poet is a man of deep
insight and sensitive mature.He can make us see and feel in a wonderful new way .I am also
fond of reading poetry ,especially urdu and punjabi poetry .Allama Muhammad Iqbal is
my favourite poet.He is undoubtedly the greatest Muslim poet this century.His poetry is
read and appreciated not only in Pakistan and India but also in Iran and many European
countries.His books have been translated into English,German and many other languages of
the world.He was not only a poet but also a great thinker.In fact, he adopted poetry as a
means of conveying his ideas.That is why he called a philosopher poet.Unlike other
urdu poets he is not concerned with love and female beauty.He gets poetic inspiration from
his beautiful ideas.That is why he called a philosopher poet.Unlike other
Urdu poets he is not concerned with love and female beauty.He gets poetic inspiration from
his beautiful ideas.Islam and Muslims civilization form the central theme of his poetry.He is
deeply convinced that Islam is the best system of life that can make the Muslims glorious once
again.he is pained to know that the Muslims have sunk into degradation by giving up their
own golden principles and traditions and by blindly imitation the Western civilization.In his
poems,Dr Iqbal exhorts the Muslims to come back to the fold of Islam and to
regain their lost prestige.I like his poetry which gives us the message of hope and
struggle of life .His concept of "Khudi" is appreciated by the scholars all over the world.

A number of factors contributed their part in shaping the out look of Dr. Iqbal and
developing his poetic genius.He was born at Sialkot in a Kashmiri family in 1877.His father
Sheikh Nur Muhammad was a mystic from whom Iqbal inherited his deep love of religion.
When he was a student at Murray College,Sialkot,he had the good fortune of getting the
guidance of a capable teacher like Syed Mir. Hassan.He created in Iqbal a genuine love for
Arabic,Persian and Islamiat.When he came to Government College Lahore for higher
Education,he got the tutorship of Dr.Arnold who inspired in him a love of philosophy.He got
his Master's Degree in Philosophy in 1899 and worked as a Professor of Philosophy for some
In 1905 ,he proceeded to Europe for higher studies in Philosophy and Law .He obtained
his Ph.D in philosophy from Germany and his degree of Bar-at-Law in 1908.On his return
to India,Dr.Iqbal started his legal practice but gave it up soon.His real interest lay in poetry
and the plight of India Muslims.He started writing poems in Urdu as well as
Persian .His poetic faculty blossomed forth and he produced such memorable works as
Band-i-Dara,,Bal-i-Gibril,Zaboor-e'Ajam,Zarb-v-Kaleem,Asrar-i-Khudi and
payame-Mashriq.All of them are recognized as world classics.He won great fame and honour
in his life time .Prominent persons from all walks of life came to him to seek guidance and to
gel his valuable opinion.

Dr.Iqbal's stay at Europe proved to be of immense importance in influencing his mind.
He became aware of the current political and philosophical development in the world .He also
developed his hatred for nationalism,materialism and imperialism.All these thoughts colour
his poetry.Dr.Iqbal also proved to be the originator of the idea of Pakistan.It was he who for
the first time put forward the demand for a separate Muslim State within India in his famous
presidential address at the Allah Abad session of the All India Muslim League.Unfortunately
he could not live to seq the emergence of Pakistan.He died in 1938 nine years before the
creation of Pakistan.So he is remembered and honoured not only as a great poet but also as
the founder of Pakistan Ideology .Many of his verses contain deep wisdom and have become

Every teacher ,speaker and scholar in our country loves to quote Dr.Iqbal.He is a
favourite poet of almost all the students in Pakistan.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Essay: Importance of Games And Sports

Games and sports have an important role in the life of a young man.They are those
activities which we pursue for the sake of pleasure.They are different from work or daily
duties which we perform to earn money.There is a slight different between games and
sports.Sports and Games have an importance in education. Games are played by groups of players or teams,such as football, cricket, hokey,etc
On the other hand, sports are played by players in their individual capacity, such as races,
jumps, athletics,etc.

Source of recreation:

Games and sports are a very cheap and popular source of recreating
one self.Recreation is an important requirement of human life.No human being can afford to
remain busy day and night earning money like a machine .Over work has adverse effect on
human health.Such a man becomes aged too soon.Human life becomes dull and boring .
Every worker needs some leisure after performing his daily duties.He must get time to feel
free and enjoy himself in any way he likes.There are people who want to go to sleep or
gossip,wander or play cards or enjoy music during leisure.But is not a healthy use of this
time.If a man remains sitting at his house ,he will go on thinking about his tired mind and
body his problems and responsibilities.His mind will not get relief from the burden of painful
worries .The best thing for him would be to go out and play some game.It will refresh his
tired mind and body.When a man is busy in playing come game or witnessing some match, he
is lost in its excitement.He forgers his painful thoughts for the time being, and this is very
useful for mental health.

Useful for health:

Games are also useful for physical health.It is said that human body is
just like a machine .If a machine remain out of action for a long time ,it becomes rusted.
Similarly if human body is kept idle and inactive for a long time, it also gets out of
order.An idle person falls an easy prey to diseases.In fact ,motion is the law of life.All those
things of nature which are moving and struggling are alive.Therefore,kind of physical
exertion is essential for keeping human body fit and smart .That is why players look more
young and energetic than the other people.They can face the attack of diseases bravely.The
need of physical exercise has become very great in the modern age.Science has made our
lives very comfortable and lethargic.People do not like even to walk over a short
distance.They take rich food but have nothing to exert to digest it .There fore , most of the rich
people suffer from fatness, gas-trouble ,blood-pressure diabetes heart trouble,etc.All these
diseases are the result of over-eating and and physical illness.Therefore,we must play come game
to keep ourselves physically fit and health.

Personality Development:

Games also play an important part in the development of
human personality.They produce the qualities of leadership and self-confidence in young
men .They learn practical wisdom and such values of life which cannot be learnt from books
and class room lectures.Every game is played according to certain rules.No player can be
careless or selfish .Therefore, games provides us training in discipline ,regularity ,punctuality
and co-operation.A player also learns patience and the quality of tolerance.He
learns how to tolerate unpleasant situations ,insulting remarks and foolish behavior.
He develops sport man's spirit and becomes large hearted and broad-minded.This quality
proves useful in his practical life as a government officer of businessman.A player gets more
chances to mix up with young men of different minds ,interests, habits and manners.He
learns how to deal with them and how to adopt their good qualities .Therefore ,games provide
practical training in human under standing and human relation, it is this reason that sports
men are preferred for army and police services.


Games are no linger a matter of
private interest of young man.They are encouraged and patronized by the government.Games
and sports have assumed international importance .Every year competitions in different games
are held in different parts of the world, such as Olympics, World Games,Asian Games,
Champion's Hockey, etc. But players and team of different countries take part in these
international competitions.They compete with one another and earn fame and
honour for themselves and their countries.That is why a good player is a good
ambassador of his country.He makes the name of his country famous all over the world
like Imran Khan and Jahangir Khan of Pakistan.The players are also called the ambassadors
of peace, because they help in promoting the feelings of friendship and co-operation in the
world.The nation that love to play together do not like to fight against each other.

In short games and sports have great significance for the persons as well as nation.But it
is very regrettable that they have not been given proper importance in our system of
education.It is true that all kinds of games are player in our school ,college and
universities.But majority of the students of the students consider it wastage of time to play game this is
because there is no credit for being a player .If a students is a player ,no mention of it is made
on it is degree.He gets employment mainly in view of his academic performance.Therefore ,
all of our students become book worms ,burying themselves in books and
mugging important questions from the examination point or view.This has had effect on their
health and training of character.This situation can be reformed if played is made compulsory
for all students and there are fixed marks for being a sports man .This will improve our
national health and will save our students from aimless wandering and taking part in
unhealthy activities.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Essay: "Life in College Hostel"

The college hostel is s state where people live in perfect harmony .students coming from
different parts of the country or a province forget all their differences and begin to live like
members of a vast family.All distinctions of birth are forgotten.The poorest boy feels
equal to the richest boy.Friendships which would last a life time are made here.All boys are
knit by bonds of love.Even if there are differences among boys,they are expressed in a very
healthy manner.

Hostel is an essential part of a college or university .It is usually located within the
campus of the educational institutions .It provides facilities of lodging and
messing to those students whose parents live in distant towns and
villages.Hostel life is ,no doubt,the most pleasurable period of a student' life.It has its deep
impressions and memories which cannot be forgotten during the rest of life.Hostel,life also
has its own educative value .It plays an important role in the development of character and
personality of the student.

Hostel life provides many facilities to a student which cannot be available to him at the
house of his parents.Since the hostel is situated within the college campus,his time on
coming and going to college daily is saved.In every hostel,there is a Reading Room,
containing many daily,newspapers and magazines of different kinds.He can increase his
general knowledge by means of this rich informative reading material.He can cultivate a habit
of reading and gets an opportunity to increase his awareness of life which can be very useful
in his after-life .similarly ,every hostel has a big Common Room,where students assemble
daily in the evening and take part in various indoor games like Table Tennis,Chess,
Cards game ,Carrom board Luddo,etc .Now a days the addition of T.V sets has multiplied the
charm of hostel common rooms.There are annual contests and competitions among the
hostel students in various games,making of speeches,debates,recitation of Holy Quran
and singing songs.Prizes are given to those who excell others in different fields and activities.

Hostel life gives practical training tho a student in his mental,moral and spiritual
development.He has to observe the rules made by the students themselves and the decisions
taken unanimously .All the students take meals together at the fixed times.They
have fixed hours for studying ,playing ,going to sleep and getting up in the morning.Nobody
can leave hostel without the permission of the superintendent;nor is he allowed to stay out
late at night.Therefore hostel life gives practical lessons in punctuality,regularity and
discipline.These qualities and good habits prove very useful in his practical life in the future.
Hostel life also inculcates self-confidence in a student and produces in him the qualities of
leadership and self-help.He has to lead life without the aid of his parents as well as
servants.Every hostel students has to make his own bed,polish his own shoes,press his own
clothes and manage his own daily affairs.The students are allowed to elect every month a
mess Manager out of themselves to decide what to eat and how much to spend.

The most important advantage of hostel life is the opportunity of free communion and
intimate relationship between young men of the same age.They belong to different
families ,having different habits,manners and views of life.This provides a good chance for
a hostel student to learn from others and to pick their good habits and manners.It also enables
him to have a good understanding of different human nature and human minds.The student
learns to understand his room-mates and to behave with them in a befitting manner.
This practical training in human understanding proves very helpful to him when be becomes
an officer or a business man.

There is the other side of the picture also.Hostel life also has certain demerits and is so expensive that most of the parents cannot afford it and refuse to give
higher education to their sons and daughters.A hostel student cannot enjoy the freedom and
privacy which he can have at the house of his parents.It is true that he is free to spend his
time and money in any way he likes.Yet he feels disturbed by the presence of different
minded students in his room.He cannot study or sleep peacefully according to his free will.
Since the students are living away from the control of parents,they may adopt bad society and
waste their time and money in visiting hotels,cinema house,etc.In spite of these
disadvantages ,the educative value of hostel life is undeniable.Most of the rich parents like to
send their children to residential institutions.The qualities developed during hostel life and
the friendship made here prove life-long and very valuable.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Essay: "Technical Education"

Education is an essential need of human life.An uneducated man remains under
developed mentally.HE cannot be much useful for his family and nation .That is why modern
governments give great important to the education of their men as well as women.The huge
population can be a source of strength for a country,provided it is widely educated and
properly trained.

In our country also Government is spending a lot of money on the education of the
people.Unfortunately it has failed to show the desired results.This is because our system of
education is not designed to meet the requirements of the time .Pakistan is an agricultural
country where there is great scope ,for industrial and commercial, development.therefore,
our young men should get education in agriculture,commerce, science and technology.With
the gradual and other fields of production, we need engineers, technicians, skilled workers
mechanics ,fitters, scientists, business administrators,etc But avast majority of our college
and university students are busy in getting education in languages, literature, social sciences
and arts subject.Such an education makes them men of ideas but not men of technique and
skill.They aspire to become high-placed government servants.Such jobs are limited,
while the candidates go on increasing year after year.This has resulted in
unemployment which is fastly spreading in the educated section of society.Thus our
colleges and universities have become clerk-producing factories ,and the whole system of
education is a wastage of time, money and human resources on a large scale.

The only remedy of this alarming situation is to make education purposeful and job
oriented .In other words, the education of science and technology and engineering must be
given top priority .General education up to Matriculation should be made
compulsory for each and all .After that only a limited number of capable and deserving
students should be sent to colleges and universities for higher education in humanities.The
 rest of the young generation mist be sent to technical institutes, politechniques and various
training centers.

we must remember that we are living on an age of high technology and increased use of
machinery in every field of life .In order to survive and to have an honourable position tin the
family of nations, we will have to adapt ourselves to the requirements of the
time,God has blessed us with valuable natural resources such as fertile land , vast ocean, solar
energy, minerals, etc .These can be developed and exploited only by be use of
machinery and advanced techniques.The technical experts and trained person must be
supplied by our education system .We can no longer afford to import such workers from

In this respect we mist keep the example of Japan and China before our eyes.Each and
every house in these countries is serving as a part of the countryside industrial production.
Young men and women are educated and trained to learn some skill or technique to earn their
living .The result is that Japan and China have captured almost all the markets in Asia,
Africa ,Europe and America.The Japanese workers are producing so much that the whole
world is flooded with Japanese goods .The only way of finishing poverty and unemployment
in Pakistan is to spread technical education in every nook and corner of the country

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Essay:"A Thrilling Match"

Games and sports have great importance in the life of young men .They are a good means
of entertainment and passing free time .Games are also useful for physical fitness.We can
also learn discipline , regularity and sportsman spirit from games.These games and sports are
given great importance in all the colleges and universities of our country.All the students are
encouraged to take part in them.

There are many games ,such as foot ball, hockey, cricket ,badminton, volley ball etc.But
I like cricket most of all.It is my favourite game and likes to play it whenever I get time.This
game is also very popular in our country.Whenever come foreign team visits our country
cricket matches are played in different cities of Pakistan.Huge crowd of people come to
watch matches.They are also shown on the television.

Last month I got a chance to see a one-day cricket match played between our National
teem and the Indian cricket team.Our college was closed to enable the stadium at 9
O'clock.We were surprised to see that all the enclosures had been fully packed.Men and
women,children and old persons from every walk of life had come to see this match.
Fortunately,we got seat near the commentator box.Both the teams were introduced to the
Governor of the Punjab who was the Chief Guest.The players liked to have a photograph
with him.

At the fixed time, the match started.Luckily, Younis Khan, the Captain of Pakistan team
won the toss.He invited the Indians to play first.Both the openers of the Indian team were
very experienced batsmen.but they could not play confidently before the Pakistani Bowlers.
the wicket was given great help to the fast bowlers like Omer Gull, Shoaib Akhtar and
Muhamad Amir.In the first five overs they took two wickets against only ten runs.It appeared
that the whole Indian Team would not be able to score even one hundred tuns.But the careful
batting by Dhooni and Youvrage gave a good stand to their team.But Younis Khan made a
wise change by introducing Shahid Afridi from the collede end .His ball was taking a sharp
turn and he took the important wicket of Dhooni in his first over.The fielding of our team
was very remarkable.The spectators clapped loudly when Shoaib took a very difficult catch.
Our Wicket Keeper Kamran Akmal showed a wonderful performance by stumping out three
Indian players.Two of them were run-out and the last three batsmen were caught behind the
wickets.At last the whole team was out after making only one hundred and forty three runs.

There was the lunch interval.We also opened our lunch boxes to refresh ourselves.
The stadium was presenting a colourful scene .Especially ,the enclosure for the ladies looked
very attractive.The people were enjoying music from the ground management.Many of them
were holding the national flags in their hands and loved to display them proudly.

At last the match started again and Imran Nazir came to open with Shahid afridi.The
target was quite easy and our batsmen played aggressive shots from the very
beginning.The captain f the Indian team tried many bowlers one after the other,but he could
not achieve a break through.Both the openers gave a solid start by scoring eight runs.Then
came the Younis Khan and Shosib Malik, who loved to hit the ball with full force.Whenever
they scored a sixer or hit to the boundry,people went mad with joy and jumped and danced at
their seats.In this way Pakistan defeated India by seven wickets.Shoaib Malik was
declared the man of the match.It was a very thrilling match and we enjoyed it very much.

Essay: "A Journey By Train (or) Scene at A Railway Station"

Railway train is still a popular means of transport in our country.It has its own charm
and pleasures.Although some times trains get late beyond our expectations,yet
people prefer traveling by them.Travel by train is comparatively safer and
cheaper.Its seats are more roomy than those of buses and the passengers get the facility
of a berth in case of a long journey.There is no problem of toilet during the journey.The slow
speed of the train enables the passengers to enjoy fresh air and green view of the out side

Last month I performed a journey by train from my home town to Lahore.Its pleasant
memories are still fresh in my mind.The elder brother of my friend was going to be married at
Lahore.He invited me and a few other friends to participate .We decided to travel by train that
starts early in the morning .I got permission and some money from my parents and
starts for the railway station on the appointed day.When I reached the railway station I found my
friends waiting for me .We bought tickets for Lahore and came on the railway plat-form.
There were a few minutes for the train to arrive.The signal had been pulled down and
passengers were looking towards the side of the train.there was s huge crowd of people and
a lot of hue and cry .The vendors were calling out the names of eatables for
sale .The coolies were running here and there in red uniforms, carrying the luggage of

At last, the railway train arrived and stopped at the plat-form.All the compartments were
packed to their full capacity.Many of the passengers were getting down while the others felt
impatient to board it.We did not know how to enter the compartment and get a comfortable
seat.with great difficulty I jumped through the window and reserved seats for my self and my
friends.After a while, the guard whistled and waved his green flag and our train
started for Lahore.

By chance I got seat near the window .From there I could enjoy the scene of the outside
world.I was delighted to see the green fields,the cattle grazing and the
farmers ploughing.By chance a blind beggar entered our compartment.He recited a
religious song and people gave him charity money .When he had departed
a medicine seller also came in .He showed a small bottle containing a wonderful medicine
that could cure twenty one diseases simultaneously.He admired it in such a way
that a large number of passengers purchased it.

At last, our train reached Lahore railway station.We were surprised to see such a big
railway station with number of platforms and flights of stairs .The porters rushed to
carry our burdens but we requested to let us depend on our own arms and legs.We came out
of the railway station and hired a taxi-car to reach the house of our friend.It was a very
pleasant journey and I enjoyed it much.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Essay: "Co-education"

Definition and Introduction of Co-education

Co-Education means the education of boys and girls in the same institute.Now a day, in
most of the countries, boys and girls get education together in school ,colleges and
universities.Co-education has advantages as well as disadvantages. In pakistan ,we have
co-education in primary schools ,in college ans post graduate classes.In high schools it is
not considered advisable to run combined classes

Arguments in Favour of Co-education

In this poor country ,much may be said in favour of co-education.It is economical to
 practice in Pakistan.How can we afford to have separate colleges for girls all over the
country?It is also not possible to build and equip separate laboratories, medical
schools and industrial schools for girls.There is an increasing demand for the education of
women,Lack of funds, scarcity of good teachers, inadequacy of
buildings are some of the hurdles that stand in the way of having separate institutes for girls.
Co-education is the only alternative to meet this demand.

It may also be argued that co-education helps th develop the character of students.By a
close association, their mutual shyness is removed, and they begin to understand each other
better.The zest for competition is stronger among sexes .In the presence of girls,
the male students generally behave well and this self-imposed restriction makes better
men of them.The healthy union of boys and girls lays a sure basis for happy married life.
Teachers,who have had experiences of both types of schools,opine that with the
presence of women the tone of educational institutes is raised.

Arguments Against Co-education

As against these arguments in favour of co-education, it may be stated that in tropical
countries sex-consciousness develops at an early age.It is therefore not advisable to offer
opportunities to the boys to mix with the girls freely.The adolescent age being romantic, is
not hesitant to break the rules of conventional morality.Besides, mixed schools are often
difficult manage.All sorts of arrangements are to be made to meet the requirement of girls.
The subjects which may be necessary for one sex may not be so for the other.In institutes
where co-education is prevalent, such things are taught to girls that never help them in
their future life.Surely the field of work for women being different from that of men, it is
useless to have one and the same syllabus for both sexes.
The physical effect of co-education is also mot healthy.Mixing of grown-up boys with
grown-up girls at the colleges and at Universities causes a great disturbance/

Co-education takes away the element of romance which is advantageous to marries life
Familiarity , as it is commonly known breeds contempt.It eliminates that element of
romance, which makes marriage condemnable.Some teachers also argue that there are
certain subjects which can be taught in the presence of both sexes with mental reservation
only.And the teacher , who feels embarrassment in the course of his lecture, can hardly do
justice to the subject.
We,in Pakistan ,cannot reap the real benefits of co-education.The boys and
girls sitting in the room occupy separate benches.They rarely meet outside the classroom
where the protection of the teacher is not available .The result is that there is no association
among them .The Pakistani educationists also being conservative at heart cannot manage the
combined classes with advantage.Co-education ,under these circumstances remains a half
way measure.


The argument of economy is very strong argument on favour of adopting co-education in
Pakistan.But it should be practiced after affecting certain modification .For instant, there is
no objection to the introduction of co-education among children under ten year of age.It
should then be abandoned up to degree classes.

No harm is however ,apprehended if co-education is introduced in the post graduate
classes.At this stage, boys and girls will have developed a sense of responsibility.
Co-education is fruitful, only when the environment is appropriate.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Essay: "My First Day at College"

College is a romantic word for young students when they are at school.They are very
anxious to enter this wider world of education that promises more liberty and
better chances of progress than school life.After passing Matriculation in high first division.I
also got admission in the most famous college of our city.It was during the summer vacation
that the admission had been completed.The college re-opened on the first of September and I
went to join the regular class work.Naturally I was in high spirits,and my mind was full of
expectations as well as fears.As soon as I entered the main gate of the college,I came across
a group of senior students.They were busy in making fool of the first year students.They
greeted me rather so warmly and began to cut dirty jokes with me.One of them
stamped me "To Let"at the back of my shirt.Another of them turned my well-wisher and
asked others not to tease the noble boy.He asked me to count from one to twenty in a breath.I
could not but obey.He appreciated my intelligence and took away my pen.

I was feeling much nervous when another group of senior students came to my rescue.
They were wearing the badges of various students organizations.They led me th the College Hall
where many other first year students had assembled.An elderly looking professor was
advising the first entrants about their new stages in educational career.Then he dictated the
time table to the Arts and Science students,pointing out the names of various lecturers
teaching them different subjects in different rooms.After that we were asked to go to our
classes to attend the first period.I went to the allotted room to attend the first lecture that was
on Chemistry.I was surprised to know that some senior students were already sitting on the
benches to ridicule the first year simple boys.Fortunately the teacher entered the
class well in time and the naughty boys had departed.Our lecturer in chemistry was a smart
looking,well dressed young man who became friendly and frank in a minute.First of all he
took the roll call .It was amusing to hear different students answering the call in
different words, such as "Yes sir;Hazar Janab,Lubbaik",etc.After taking the attendance ,the
teacher gave a general lecture on the subject on the subject of chemistry and its importance in practical life.I
was deeply impressed to see him speaking in English so fluently.Some of the students of the students,
especially those coming from village school,found it difficult to follow the lecture that was
in English.When the bell rang ,we went to another room to attend the lecture on another
subject.After attending three consecutive periods,we got one period off.

One of my fellow student took me to the college library.I was surprised to see the big
hall of the library lined up with"almirahs"full of books on various subjects.There was a
corridor containing newspaper stands and large table with magazines fixed on them.
The students in free periods come to read these newspapers and magazines.I was deeply
impressed by the cleanliness of the place and the silence prevailing all around.In the
recess period we went to the college canteen to refresh, ourselves with some cold drink.I
found the students sitting here in various groups ,taking tea samosas cakes,etc.And talking
about their daily lectures or politics.After attending all the periods,I got free at 2 O' clock and
returned home fully satisfied with my college and its standard of education.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Essay: "The Profession of My Life"

Importance of the choice of a profession

Every human has been sent in this world with a purpose .God has given different
qualities of mind and body to the people to perform different duties of life.It is the first duty
of every educated man to understand himself and to determine some aim of life
for himself.Aim or goal is as important for a man as destination for a ship.I think
a man should choose his profession according to his own nature and inclination.If
a man of poetic mind is forced to become a shopkeeper.He will be a failure.Moreover,a
good profession must given man an honourable position in society and sufficient income to
meet his needs of life.

My aim in life

There are a number of profession and aims of life such as business,forming, medicine,
 engineering,teaching ,service in the army,etc.According to me, the medical profession is the
 best in the words,and it is my ideal.I want to become a doctor in order to serve my country
men, especially those living in rural areas/The poor villagers in Pakistan can not get medical
aid if they fall ill or meet some accident.My aim is to set up a good clinic in some far of
village.It will give me pleasure to relieve people of their distress,pain and ailment.
The best service of humanity is to provide relief to those who are in pain and distress.I would
not make this profession a means of amassing wealth by fleecing the helpless people .I
would not charge any examination fee or visiting fee.As far as possible I would treat the poor
patient free.

Reasons to chose this profession

I like this profession also because there is greet scope for intelligence and hard work in
this field.Research in the medical field is going on in every country on the world.New
medicines and medical instruments are being invented day by day.I would like to adopt all
these modern methods of treatment and would keep my self up -to-date.A doctor never retires
from his profession like a government servant.The more aged a doctor becomes,the more
experienced and valuable as he grows.Therefore ,the personality of a doctor does not
degenerate and he is never fed up with his work.Daily he gets new cases to treat and
interesting patients to deal with.

I like this profession for another reason.It gives freedom and respect to a man which he
cannot get in any other profession.A doctor is not bound to any authority.He may join the
government service or establish hos own private hospital.Many doctor reign after getting
experience by working in the Army or government hospitals.This profession has a number of
fields and specialties,and I can join any one of them,according to my interest.

In view of these merits,I want to join this profession.I have taken up pre-medical
subjects for my intermediate examination and I am working hard to get high first division and
to come on the merit list.May God help me in the fulfillment of this noble aim of life

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Essay: "A Picnic Party or An Excursion"

Importance of pleasure trips

Excursions or pleasure trips have an importance in the education and training of
character of students.They provide a welcome relief from the boring routine of class lectures
and home work.They also provide a chance to the students to mix up with one another and
.become closer on friendly level.The trips to big cities,hill stations and historical places have
their educative value also.The students get a chance to see different parts of their country and
to know about the important achievements of the past or the present

We made a plane

Last month,I also went on a trip to Jahangir s Tomb at Lahore.The examination has just
ended and We were feeling free and released.Some of mu friends came to me and we chalked
out a programme to visit historical places at Lahore.The next day I got up early in the morning
and starts for the railway station after taking breakfast changing dress and receiving some
money from my my parents.My friends had already reached the railway station and were waiting
for me .We purchased tickets and boarded a train that was bound for Lahore.

We reached at Lahore

After a journey of two hours, our train reached Lahore Railway station.We were
surprised to see such a big station with a number of platforms and flight of stairs.We
came out of the railway station and hired a taxi car for Tomb of Jahangir.On the way,we
bought some sweets,fruit and other eatables.When we reached near the bridge of the river
Ravi,We decided to alter our programme and enjoy roving for some
time.We hires a boat and a boatman and went far into the river.Our friend Saleem is a very
good singer.He entertained us with a few film songs and Ghazals.Felling hungry and the
sight of patties and sweet smell of Kababs made our mouth water.We sat down under the
shade of a cool tree and did full justice to our precious possessions.

We reached at jJahangir's Tomb

After that we hires a tonga and reached the tomb of Emperor Jhangir. A large number of
men ,women and children had also come to visit this historical building.I felt very happy to
see the green lawns.the tall cypress trees growing in long lines and the beautiful fountain
which were gushing up water and presenting an enchanting scene.We entered the tomb of
the late King and offered prayer for the salvation of his soul.I was wonderstruck to
see the beautiful masonry work and the artistic designs made by the Muslim masons
of the past.I also realized how temporary and unreliable the worldly glory and the power of
the Kings are.After some time, we came out of the tomb and climbed on one of its lofty
tower.With the help of circulating stairs we went so high that the whole city of Lahore could
be seen lying before our eyes.It is very amusing to see the people waling in streets and
the cars moving on the roads that looked like small ants. It was very inspiring scene to see the
shining water of the river flowing against the background of green fields and blue sky.We
kept standing there and enjoyed this wonderful scene to our heats content.

We reached at home 

At last we descended and went to cafe to refresh ourselves with cold drinks and light
entertainment.All of us felt much tired and decided to return home.This time we traveled by
bus and reached home late at night .Our parents were feeling much worried and felt relived at
our arrival.I was so much exhausted that I went to sleep soon taking the meal.It was
indeed ,a well-spend day and I remember it still.